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Six-a-side cricket competition Sunday 13th July

5th July 2008 @ 12:12pm – by Audlem Webteam
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Audlem Cricket Club is holding a six-a-side competition next Sunday. Six teams will be competing and will initially play each other in a "round-robin" group stage. The top two teams will then play each other in the final. The final is expected to start at around 8.00 pm.

Group games will start at 9.30 am and will consist of 5 overs per team, each player, apart from the wicketkeeper, bowling one over. There will be no restrictions on how many runs batsmen can score.

The day promises to be entertaining and, given good weather, the competition is being played on probably the most picturesque ground in South Cheshire. Entrance is free and the Club's bar will be open. So, if you want to enjoy a few hours watching entertaining cricket, why not go up to the Gorse Croft ground at any time during the day.

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