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Short-ARS walk on Saturday

25th July 2010 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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The July short-ARS walk takes place this coming Saturday, July 31st, led by Peter & Brenda Kay.

Start time 9.30am at Audlem carpark

Brenda's brief description of the walk is:

"A 6.5 mile walk from the car park of the Bleeding Wolf Pub on the A34 at Scholar Green. There will be a gradual climb of 600 ft (taken slowly) to the Folly at Mow Cop.After descending to Acker's Crossing the walk will continue along the Macclesfield canal – passing the 18th century Ramsdell Hall.

"The Pub should be reached between 1.30pm and 2pm. It would be appreciated if walkers would have a drink before setting off home. Food is available all day.

"Anyone not wishing to do the climb could join the group at the Folly for a 3.5 mile walk. Please contact the leaders in the week beginning 26 July to discuss arrangements.


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