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Short-ARS on Saturday

23rd January 2012 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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This coming Saturday, 28th January, it's the first Short-ARS walk of 2012.

The walk is a route heading from Audlem car park northwards passing near Moss Hall, Hankelow Mill, Coole Lane (for a few steps) and returning via the canal to Audlem.

It's 9.30am from Audlem car park.

A provisional programme for the year has now been pulled together but any suggestions for alternatives will be considered.

Short-ARS walks are normally of 5 – 7 miles in length with only easy climbs. They are from Audlem itself or within a 30-minute or so drive, and are on the fourth (and occasionally fifth) Saturday of the month.

Start times will normally be 9.30am from the main Car Park in Audlem. Walkers need to wear good stout shoes or walking boots and carry wet weather gear. The walks will usually include a stop for a refreshment break but many will be back in Audlem for a lunch-time pint and/or in time for lunch.

Short-ARS walkers are expected to become members of ARS, although do come along for a “trial” walk to see if joining is likely to appeal. The annual membership is £5.

Click on the link below the photo for Audlem Ramblers Society page with the full 2012 programme of both ARS and Short-ARS walks.

#Short-ARS programme for 2012
28th January: Local, heading north out of Audlem. A 5 -6 mile circuit.

25th February: From Tushingham, including a visit to a church in the middle of fields.

31st March: Local, heading to Kinsey Heath, Chapel End, Bunsley Bank and back to Audlem.

28th April: A 6-mile circuit from Betley taking in Wrinehill and Betley Mere

26th May: The Anderton Lift and Lion Salt Works just north of Northwich – a 6-mile circuit

30th June: Whixhall Moss in Shropshire.

28th July: A circuit from Bunbury including Bunbury Locks

25th August: A 7-mile circuit from Marbury, near Whitchurch, taking in meres and the canal towpath.

29th September: A 6-mile circuit from Loggerheads.

27th October: A 5-6 mile circuit from Wybunbury including Wybunbury Moss.

24th November: 5-6 miles on the Sandstone Trail and environs near Burwardsley.

29th December: A Christmas recovery local walk of 5-miles to prepare all for the New Year celebrations.

This list is provisional and any suggestions for alternatives will be considered.

The Short-ARS co-ordinators are John Tilling and Bob Cartwright. Both can be reached via Audlem Online at or

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