This is Becky Jewitt's weekly school report
Just click on the link below the photo to read it.
Included in the report is this pece about the work of FASA (Friends of Audlem School Association)
A reminder that FASA's next event will be Film Night for all of the children on Wednesday 22nd March from 5pm – 7pm, please look out for more details about this very popular event coming soon.
FASA are also busy preparing for a special Easter Eggstravaganza on Wednesday 29th March. It will be held after school from 3.15pm – 5pm and will include a range of Easter activities (including an Easter onnet parade) and stalls including an exciting Easter Egg Hunt! We hope you will be able to join us for this.
Please try to support these important fundraising events for school – don't forget all monies raised go directly to school to purchase curriculum enhancement opportunities and equipment for all our children. All parents and carers of children at our school are automatically members of FASA and are welcome to attend any meeting and help at one or all of these events.
As you can imagine, such a range of fundraising activities across the school year requires huge amounts of energies and dedication from those who do volunteer – the more help we have allows the work load to be shared out. FASA are always seeking new helpers to support their events; they are also seeking new committee members.
Please contact the school office if you are able to volunteer in any way to support this valuable work in school.
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