Some highlights from this week's report
The children in KS1 visited Staircase House in Stockport last Friday. They had the opportunity to ask and answer the questions: 'How do we know about the Great Fire of London?' and 'What were homes like a long time ago?'
The children dressed up and re-enacted the story of the Great Fire of London and experienced 'hands on' workshops including a wattle and daub workshop which showed them how houses were constructed and making their own potions used in Stuart times to cure illnesses.
On the same day, Emerald Class were transported back in time to the Victorian Era when they went on their trip to Sudbury Hall. The children were taught in a Victorian classroom where they tried to remember the 3R's. They all realised how strict the teachers were and how hard it is to write on piece of slate.
As part of our continued work to promote safer parking and road use around school, we invited Cheshire East Council Civil Enforcement Officers into school on Monday to share assemblies and workshops with each class promoting safer parking around schools, what parking restrictions mean and why we have them and staying safe near roads. This was a great way to reiterate our key messages about road safety and the sessions have been followed up with reminder discussions in classes about the importance of being 'Safe and Seen' on dark nights and mornings.
Thank you in advance for supporting this work at home by revisiting these key messages and following the parking restrictions and one way traffic flow around school at drop off and pick up times.
You can read the full report by clicking on the link below the photo
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