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School Newsletter

29th September 2019 @ 6:06am – by A. Perry
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Global Links and Resourceful Learning!

Representatives from our Global Ambassadors led our worship on Tuesday to launch our Build Africa project in school this year. Our school has linked with Morop Primary School in Kenya in partnership with the charity 'Build Africa'.

This charity's work is focused on using the power of education to help end poverty. The children shared a presentation about what it is like going to school in Kenya for the children at the school we are linked to and how, as a school, we can help whilst learning more about life around the world. Each class has been
discussing this exciting link and school life in Africa this week as part of our Global Week in school.

During this year we will be collating letters, photographs and updates about life at our school to send to Morop and will be looking forward to hearing from the children at our link school about their school life. We are also aiming to raise £1000 during this school year to further support our link school through Build Africa.

Some of the things we are hoping to raise money for are: building new latrines, hand washing stations, and boreholes, providing more learning
materials such as desks and textbooks and providing hygiene and sanitation training for children. We will update you about our planned fundraising events throughout the year.

School has been full of Harvest songs, poems and prayers this week as the children and staff prepare for our special service at St James' Church next Monday. It has been wonderful to hear the energy and enthusiasm in each class as everyone has been sharing ideas about this special time of year. If you are able to help to walk the children down to church from school at 9.10am please let the school office know. I look forward to sharing this special occasion with you and your children.

Please click on the pdf file for the full newsletter

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