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Santa Arrives in Style

2nd December 2015 @ 6:06am – by Joe Hoyles
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Santa Arrives on The Audlem Lass

On Friday evening 27th November 2015, Santa arrived at Audlem Wharf near the Shroppie Fly to a great welcome from over 400 youngsters and adults. The delighted faces of the children had to be seen to be fully appreciated – so much pleasure, excitement and awe.

Events at Audlem Wharf started with the sale of Wish Candles. These were then decorated by both adults and children, before they were launched down the new launching shoot to be lit, and carefully placed onto the canal to drift along the waterway towards the village – a twinkling image in the darkness. Over 115 candles floated down the canal, a magical sight, carrying the good wishes and hopes of those who had decorated them.

Despite the torrential rain there was a fantastic turnout. All were waiting to greet Santa who arrived in the Village aboard the Audlem Lass, which had festive music playing and was all decked out with fairy lights, along the canal. Once safely off the boat and on the landing stage, Santa spoke to many of the children who had stood in the pouring rain excitedly awaiting his arrival.
The crowds then walked along with Santa into the heart of the Village. A tremendous sight the pied piper came to mind

In spite of the weather, all the hard work, planning and effort of the large number of volunteers involved was well rewarded by the smooth operation and overall success of this annual Event, and the excitement it generated for the Village.

Plans are already in hand for 2016!

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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