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Putting 'shooting' record straight

27th April 2011 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Regular readers will have noticed the many Chatbox comments about a recent shooting incident. This developed into a debate about other shooting incidents, notably the Cumbrian tragedy of June last year.

Yesterday, Audlem Online received a particularly informative posting from an individual concerned, 'Chunky', which has been posted on the Chatbox. It says"

"I have read with interest the 'village' account of the shooting incident in Woore Road on Friday 8th April and wish to set the record straight.

"I was gardening when a bullet whizzed close past my head. This was followed by another bullet. My garden wall is higher than the road and I was able to look down into the road. A vehicle slowly drove by and a rifle with a silencer attached was pointing out of the passenger window.

"We can assume all sorts: maybe the gunman was shooting at birds in the trees? Given the location this is more plausible than shooting at rabbits. At the time no one knew.

"I was very impressed by the prompt police response. This could have potentially been a very serious incident. But who knows? Did I know what this gunman might do next? Did the police? Someone was behaving in a very irresponsible way and was putting lives at risk. My life, and potentially others."

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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