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Purple4Polio and Exciting Learning

30th October 2016 @ 6:06am – by Becky Jewitt
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Sapphire and Pearl classes visited Staircase House on Monday to learn about the Great Fire of London. They discovered where, when and why the fire broke out. They used evidence to develop their understanding of the past by reading extracts from Samuel Pepys' diary and by examining paintings from the time.

The children enjoyed dressing up and acting out the story of the Great Fire of London. They learned how houses were constructed and they worked collaboratively to make a small wattle and daub panel using withies and clay. They also met the Plague doctor and they created some Stuart cures using herbs.

I was delighted to hear how well behaved the children were and how they showed how much they already knew about this topic when they spoke to the staff at the Museum – the staff were tremendously impressed with all of the children and so am I!

It was wonderful to welcome our Year 6 parents for lunch on Monday. Thank you to the Kitchen and Mid-Day Assistant team for looking after everyone so well.

Diamond class welcomed a special visitor to school last Friday. As part of Year 6's World War 2 topic, Evie, Dylan, Tilly and Hayden Byrne's grandpa visited Diamond class to talk to them about being an evacuee during the war. The children loved hearing about his experience of being sent to a farm where he got to see a cow for the first time close-up and they asked him lots of questions which they had prepared. It was very special for them to hear the stories first-hand and to see how their learning is based on real-life experiences.

We have been finding out all about the Rotary Club's Purple4Polio campaign this week and all of the children in school took part in a mass planting of purple crocus bulbs on Tuesday, symbolising the worldwide campaign to eradicate polio. The purple crocus is the symbol of this campaign, with its colour representing the purple dye used to mark the finger of a child who has been immunised.

Thank you to the Rotary Club and Mrs Hayward and our Green Team and Global Ambassadors for arranging this special planting session – we look forward to seeing the crocus bulbs flower in spring.

Our Green Team and Global Ambassadors have welcomed new members to their teams this term, our Global Ambassadors are: Tessa Sullivan, Tom Winter, Libby Rayne, Rai Baxter and Lilia Crowley and our Green Team are: Bertie Hardy, Leo Whittaker, Grace Tonks, Oscar Javens, Lucy Huntbach, Amelie Varley, Maisy Goodwin and Lily Grange.
They will work with Mrs Hayward throughout the year on various projects and I look forward to updating you about their work during the year.

We welcomed Reception parents and carers into school on Wednesday to share their child's Learning Journey and to find out more about how they can contribute to these special record books whilst their child is in Amethyst class. The children loved sharing their work and it was a delight to see them so confident sharing their learning!

PCSOs Nick and Sarah held one of their regular lunchtime drop-in sessions for children to discuss anything they were concerned or worried about on Wednesday. As always this proved very popular and it was great to see so many children taking the opportunity to speak with them.

Our Wonderful Worship Leads led worship for us all on Thursday morning. They shared the parable of the two builders and acted out and retold the story wonderfully. They also led the school in singing 'The wise man built his house'. Thank you to Mrs Burgess and the Wonderful Worship Leads for their work on this.

Year 2 are looking forward to their outdoor learning session this afternoon (it was on Friday)- they will be making fires exploring the effects of heat on materials.

We said goodbye and thank you to Mrs Shannon this week as she leaves her role as Mid Day Assistant at our school. She has been a wonderful help to all the children in school during her time with us, particularly the youngest members of school. We also say farewell and thank you to Miss Hennessey Jones today as she completes her placement at our school. She has worked with many of the classes across school over the last few weeks and has been a wonderful addition to our team in school.

This week's Praise Book children are:

  • Mrs Maughan's Class – Fay Cottrell
  • Mrs Hayward's Class – Keira Marshall
  • Mrs Richardson's' and Mrs Burgess' Class – Chloe Tew Goodwin
  • Mr Perry's Class – George Spibey
  • Mr Davies' Class – William Reade
  • Mrs Stoker's Class – Leo Whittaker
  • Mrs Bird's Class – Lizzie Edwards Congratulations to you all! Tidy Team -The winning class this week is Sapphire class – well done! The winners of our Attendance Cup this week are Pearl and Diamond class- well done! Congratulations to the winners of our Junior Road Safety Officer competition:
  • EYFS – Freya Barnett,
  • Key Stage 1 – Archie Saunders,
  • Year 3/4 – Harriet Weatherstone
  • Year 5/6 – Amelie Varley. Our Junior Road Safety Officers had a very difficult choice to make as there were so many great entries about safety during Halloween and Bonfire Night. Well done to everyone who entered.

Congratulations and thank you to all involved in the Spooky Night Disco. The FASA team did a super job advertising and organising the event and the children were full of tales about the event on Monday morning! I would also like to thank Mr and Mrs Marshall for their hard work with the disco. The event raised £290, which will go towards supporting the school.

Thanks to all of the parents and children who supported this event and made it such a success. A reminder that FASA will be holding a Non uniform day on Thursday 10th November to collect for 'Big Switch On' Tombola donations of bottles or chocolates.

ABC Childcare
All the staff at ABC wish all children and families a happy half term. A reminder that ABC offer childcare over half term. The team have planned baking, creating, making messes, having fun outside, playing games and so much more. Calll ABC on 01270 748081 or 07786 985 110 to book a place.

Don't forget ABC's Open Morning on Friday 11th November – visitors will have the chance to meet the team and see their wonderful facilities for Pre School between 9am and 10am on this day.

Beanstalk Volunteer Readers
We have several volunteer helpers who come into school to help with classwork throughout the week. In addition to this, we are lucky enough to have four dedicated Beanstalk Readers in school who support several children as part of the Beanstalk charity work.

Beanstalk is a national literacy charity that trains and supports volunteers to work in primary schools with reading. We are currently looking for further volunteers and would like you to consider volunteering for us. Alternatively, you may wish to pass our details to someone you know, who might wish to volunteer for us.

As a Beanstalk reading helper you would work with three children for two 30 minute sessions a week, during term-time on a one-to-one basis to help inspire a lifelong love of reading. For more information please call 01782 827375 or email:
or visit: to apply online.

Dogs on School Grounds
A reminder that in the interests of safety, dogs are NOT permitted onto school grounds at any time. Thank you for your cooperation with this.

We will be selling poppies in school, alongside other British Legion items such as wristbands, on 8, 9, 10 and 11 November. Please send in donations (suggested 50p to £1) if you would like your child to give to this cause.

I would like to wish you all a wonderful half term and look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 8th November.
R Jewitt

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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