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Public Hall AGM

1st May 2008 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Residents who attended last week's AGM night heard that the costs of running the hall in 2007 increased by more than 14% over those in 2006. This had, to a large extent been offset by a rise in income of 13%. The Treasurer, John Tilling, also pointed out that costs are still rising significantly with more than £2,000 already having been spent on oil during 2008. In addition, the new national method for the calculation of water rates will treble the existing charge.

During the year over £24,300 had been spent on capital projects, including over £21,800 spent on improvements to the kitchen and bar. The balance held in the bank and building society at the end of 2007 was just over £26,800, of which almost £19,100 was specifically earmarked for further development work. It was pointed out that without all the work provided free of charge by Olive and Geoff Stretch, the hall would be significantly worse off.

Geoff Stretch was re-elected as Chairman, John Tilling as Treasurer and Margaret Edwards as Secretary. Janet Morgan was elected Vice Chairman, replacing Janet Simmons who has left the area.

Geoff detailed the programmed improvements for 2008 and beyond. These were finishing off the refurbishment of the bar, rebuilding the wall, replacing the front steps, and creating a flower bed at the front of the hall, improvements to the upstairs cloakroom and providing a sound system in the main hall.

Roland Hall outlined the draft plans for a recreational and youth centre adjacent to the back of the hall. The hope is that the new facility would provide a new badminton court, male and female changing rooms for use by the tennis and football clubs and a specific area for the youth of the village. Clearly any such building would need significant funding and would take a number of years to come to fruition.

In the question and answer session, committee members were asked about the lighting within the main hall, the increased cost of hiring the hall and the booking procedure.

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