Don't miss out. Tickets for the second Audlem Winter Blues event are being sold to all points of the globe with visitors coming from London, south Manchester and North Wales. This double header promises to be the best night Audlem has seen for a long time.
Tommy Allen's Trafficker are getting rave reviews on their current tour to show case their new album and the Kyla Brox Band are continuing to attract international recognition that places Kyla above Joss Stone as the British r&b/soul diva. Don't believe us? Listen to Kyla live in session on the Paul Jones BBC Radio 2 show on Thursday 1st December from 8.00-9.00pm.
Make sure you don't miss out.
Tickets: £10- available from 01270 812 834/07813820157. The concert is in the Public Hall on 3rd December. Doors open at 8.30pm.
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