It was Praise and Play's 10th birthday yesterday and the staff shared in cutting the cake, as seen in the photo, courtesy of Jan Morgan.
Earlier in the week, Adrian Leighton had sent AudlemOnline the following article, inviting those involved over the ten years, or those that might like to attend:
Praise and Pray is 10 years old this week. This means that some of those who attended the first mornings of Praise and Play are now well into their teenage years – now that's a thought!
Praise and Pray is held weekly during term time for pre-schoolchildren and their mums, dads, grandmas, grandpas, and childminders.
During each Praise and Play we sing, have a story,make something, we celebrate God's goodness and ask for his help.
We know that the children are unlikely to remember anything specific – not even making elephants out of plastic milk bottles or some of the wonderful things made with a split pin.
But we hope and pray that some of the songs – or our closing prayer: 'As wide as the world, as high as the sky as deep as the sea is God's love for me and you and you and you' (with appropriate actions of course) – will somehow stay with them.
We hope that something of God's love is evident in the care given by the team of volunteers who help each week to the mums and dads, grannies and childminders who join us. It would not be possible to have sustained this without a team of people who, week in week out, have turned up
and used their skills in storytelling and craft – but most of all to offer God's welcome to those who come.
Alongside this has been the remarkable support of Mothers Union members and friends who have made the refreshments. And we mustn't forget those who clean the church after we have left crumbs and craft remnants, each serving God in different ways.
This Thursday morning, as well as the regular Praise and Play at 9.30am, at 10.30am there will be a special 'Coffee and Cake Celebration' for all those who have ever attended Praise and Play in its ten year history.
If you are interested to know more about Praise and Pray you are also invited.
This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.
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