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Pollyanna comes to Audlem

23rd January 2012 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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This year's musical production at the Audlem Methodist Church will be Pollyanna based on the story by Eleanor H Porter.

Additional material has been provided by Jean Gunstone and Val Warner, and the music and lyrics are by Naomi Newman with help from Tobias Newman.

The production is on each evening from Tuesday 14th February through to Saturday 18th Februaury, starting at 7.30pm.

For programmes (at £6), contact Julia Parton on" target="_blank">

#The Pollyanna story 
The story begins as Pollyanna's strict, unbending aunt reluctantly invites her newly orphaned niece to move in with her. Pollyanna has been brought up by her father, a church minister, who lived by the 'rejoicing texts' in the Bible.

Although poor, he and Pollyanna had found something to be glad about in every circumstance and this ability to be thankful has stayed with her despite the fact that her parents have both now passed away.

Pollyanna's determination to 'rejoice and be glad' will have a tremendous effect on all the residents of the village that will now become her home.

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