Audlem Parish Council, in the latest edition of 'Around Audlem', comments on the Playing Field, Car Park and Children's Play Area. It says:
"Parish Councillors were dismayed to learn Cheshire East Council is reviewing its policy on transferring assets to Town and Parish Councils. Instead of the Playing Field complex being permanently transferred to the Parish Council (as with the public toilets) playing fields may now only be transferred on a 30 year lease. This is apparently in order to protect recreational areas from development in perpetuity.
"Councillors are concerned that residents would be liable for expensive maintenance which would require a higher local precept on an asset on which there would be no continuity of ownership. It would be difficult to get grants towards costs on a relatively short lease. Additionally there would be no reduction in council tax.
"Councillors recently met with representatives of Cheshire East Council to discuss their concerns. At the time of writing there is no definite news on whether the proposed change of policy has been adopted."
Unfortunately, there is no additional paragraph from the parish council explaining why the transfer was not completed long ago after both extraordinary and parish council meetings in 2014 where both the public and councillors voted overwhelmingly in favour of proceeding with the transfer, well before any possible change in Cheshire East's policy towards devolution.
A pity, because an explanation of all the delays would have been useful and of interest to all those who voted so strongly in favour almost two years ago.
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