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Phoney Dyson cold calls

5th October 2012 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Just over a week ago, we ran a story about a suspicious cold call.

An Audlem resident was surprised to receive a phone call yesterday from what the caller said was Dyson, the well-known manufacturer of vacuum cleaners.

"We are calling to arrange a service for your Dyson," said the caller.
"Which Dyson would that be that I own? Could you give me details?" came the response.
"We do not hold those," said the caller, "What is your address?"
"You must know that if you are Dyson," said our local resident.
"We cannot give details like that over the phone," said the caller.
"But you want me to give those same details over the phone," retorted our now somewhat suspicious local resident.

The caller then attempted to make an appointment to visit the house in Audlem to service the Dyson.

Suspicious, our local resident called the Dyson company to see if service teams would call like this. "Under no circumstances would we make cold calls like this" was the reply.

The calls, we are told, are being received by a good number of people locally and it may be worth exercising extreme caution if you are offered a service visit in this way.

A Chatbox message yesterday said:

"I've received a cold call this am with regards the so-called Dyson servicing, tel no., 07837231758. As expected, they were unobtainable when phoning back as it went straight onto answer phone constantly.

"Like another Chatbox messenger, they asked if I was Mrs Wilson when I stated I didn't have a Dyson. I've alerted the Dyson company with both mobile numbers. They seem to be aware this is going on."

Maybe it is time Trading Standards were investigating if you receive a call – if only to check them out. Cheshire East's Trading Standards page on their website says:

"To report a matter to Cheshire East Consumer Protection and Investigations or to seek advice please contact Citizens Advice Consumer Service. 

"Staff at Citizens Advice will advise you and will also refer complex enquiries, urgent enquiries and those requiring further action to Cheshire East Consumer Protection and Investigations:

Phone: 08454 04 05 06 or Minicom: 08451 281384 or to email Citizens Advice, please use the Citizens Advice Consumer Service online form."

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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