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Parish newsletter being distributed this week

31st July 2007 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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The 'summer' edition of the Audlem Parish Council newsletter is now being distributed to all Audlem households. A number of copies will be available in the Post Office for those who live nearby but outside the parish and are interested in Audlem news.

This edition features Parish Council chairman Richard Furber's annual report as well as news from many clubs and societies. There's also news on the testing of the canal for its hydro-electric potential; the new dioramas that are to appear shortly at the car park and canal to help visitors find their way to local businesses and places of interest around the village, and an update on the Weaver Valley project.

The newsletter is produced four times a year by editor Margaret Roberts.

You can now download the newsletter from the Newsletter Homepage.

Parish Newsletter Download (The website link that was here no longer works)

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