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Parish Council Statements to Planning Board

27th February 2016 @ 6:06am – by Heather Jones, Audlem Parish Council
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Statements were made on behalf of Audlem Parish Council at both the Cheshire East Strategic Planning Board on 18 February and at the full Cheshire East Council meeting held in Crewe on 26 February. These meetings were held to approve the proposed changes to the Local Plan Strategy, the Habitats Regulations Assessments and Sustainability (Integrated) Appraisal Addendums for public consultation.

Rachel Bailey, the Portfolio Holder for the Local Plan, our Ward Councillor and newly elected Leader of Cheshire East Council answered questions put by Council assisted by senior Planning officials.

Audlem Parish Council had spoken to say 'enough is enough' in terms of the delays created by developer opposition to the Local Plan and to urge that the Local Plan, together with the 5 Year Housing Land Supply, be moved forward as swiftly as possible. This is particularly relevant as recent relatively unpublicised changes to Planning Practice Guidance have diluted the influence of Neighbourhood Plans where there is no agreed 5 year housing land supply in place.

To read the statement made on behalf of Audlem Parish Council please clickhere

All residents of Audlem Parish on the electoral register will have their chance to vote on our own Neighbourhood Plan on Thursday 24 March at the Public Hall.

Applications for postal votes should be made to Cheshire East Council's Election Team ( telephone 0300 123 5016) by 9 March. You will be asked "Do you want Cheshire East Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Audlem to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?", to which you are required to give a simple 'Yes' or 'No' answer.

If more than 50% of those voting are in favour then Audlem's Neighbourhood Plan will be 'made' and given statutory weight in planning decision making.

More information on the Neighbourhood Plan and Cheshire's new Design Guide which is undergoing public consultation will be available at the Village Meeting on Wednesday 16 March (not Thursday 17th March as previously advertised) at 7pm in the Public Hall. Refreshments will be provided.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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