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Parish Council meets tonight

3rd November 2008 @ 8:08am – by Audlem Webteam
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It's the monthly meeting of Audlem Parish Council tonight at 7.30pm at St James' school. The agenda includes items such as an update on the First Responders' scheme that has been set up in Audlem; Allotments; the Youth Parish Council; Children's playground and the vital issue of 'Sustainability' for a rural community like Audlem.

The Parish Council will also receive the judges' comments on the Community Pride Competition and consider participation in 2009 as well as reports and information on village policing. They will also consider making an application for capital funding up to £50,000 for a project to benefit Audlem under the Crewe & Nantwich Borough Council's Town & Parish Grant Scheme. The state of the Vale footpath will be discussed and options for the future considered.

Members of the public will be invited to comment on any of the items on the agenda, or to draw attention to other matters of concern, before business commences.

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