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Parish Council Meeting Summary

10th April 2024 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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Our Roving Webteam member recently attended the Parish Council meeting and sent us this summary.
We expect the official minutes in due course

Audlem Parish Council Meeting 8th April 2024

There were about 15 members of the public attending the meeting, the clerk and six Parish Councillors.

Issues raised in the public forum were:-

1. Request for more information to be reported about current financial matters and the current bank balance; Chair confirmed it would be provided.

2. Queries re seeking advice from a solicitor about Turnpike Field with particular reference to Fields in Trust and the effect of charges made for activities on the field such as village fete stallholders. Chair confirmed advice had that day been received from a solicitor but needed to be examined.

3. Progress re the Police inquiry about missing funds – advised it is ongoing but not able to give any more information.

4. There are five Parish Councillor vacancies – three applications have been received and will be considered by councillors.

Notable matters discussed during the meeting

1. Turnpike Field retrospective planning application has been approved with conditions.

2. Three tenders for a new website provider are being considered

3. Councillors are meeting with Cheshire East on 16th April in relation to Car Parking Charges

4. More publicity to be given to the Village Meeting to be held on 22 May

5. The boardwalk in Turnpike Field has been repaired and strengthened by Cheshire East.

6. Approval was granted for materials and labour to undertake maintenance of the bridge between the two field in Turnpike, subject to a risk assessment involving the Canal and Rivers Trust.

7. Booking for use of Turnpike field for summer events approved

8. Various policies were approved which will be published with the minutes

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