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Panto tickets this week

24th January 2012 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Tickets have been selling very quickly for the Audlem "5As" Drama Group Annual Pantomime this week in the Public Hall. This is always great entertainment so, if you want a seat, it's worth calling the ticket hotline now:    

This year's panto is "Alison Wunderland" written by Colin Cliffe.

Performance dates are:

  • Wednesday 25th January 2012

  • Thursday 26th January 2012

  • Friday 27th January 2012

  • also 2 performances on Saturday 28th January 2012 

There are some tickets left for Wednesday and Thursday, a few on Friday and "very few" for Saturday evening. There are still spaces for the Saurday matinee.

Evening Performances start at 7.30pm. 
Saturday afternoon Matinee at 2.00pm.

Tickets price – £6.00 for all performances

Ticket Hotline : 01270 811145.

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