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Pam Seddon

25th April 2021 @ 6:06am – by Geoff Seddon
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First of all, I would like to thank all friends and acquaintances who have sent cards with so many wonderful words about both Pam and her community involvement. She will be sorely missed.

Pam and I moved to Audlem in 1975 and Pam was heavily involved in community life in Audlem within a couple of years. Initially she was a volunteer helper at Tuesday Club (the toddlers' group) for a number of years and also volunteered to help preparing meals at Thornton House.

Audlem 700

In 1996, Pam and Dinah Andrew researched and produced the history display for the celebration of the 700th anniversary of the granting of the Market Charter to Audlem. A booklet 700 years of Audlem's History was produced. This was republished in 2013 and is available from Audlem Mill shop. The booklet includes a list of important dates in Audlem History, which represented a considerable piece of research in itself.
You can see this list of dates by clicking here .

Parish Councillor

In 2005, after retiring from Keele University, Pam was co-opted onto Audlem Parish Council. She volunteered to be responsible for the Communications portfolio. On becoming editor of the then Audlem Newsletter (now Around Audlem), Pam expanded the content and developed the newsletter into the format it is today. She was involved in many other aspects of the Parish Council and was part of the group that instigated the creation of the Audlem Neighbourhood Plan. Pam finally retired from the Parish Council in 2016 due to ill health.

The Parish Plans and AudlemOnline

As a Parish Councillor, Pam was heavily involved in the production of the Parish Plan in both 2005 and 2010. Audlem OnLine was one of the successful outcomes of the 2005 Plan. As the Parish Council representative she, together with Bob Cartwright, John Tilling and John Gunstone, were the team that developed AOL into the community website that we know today. She was a member of the team for many years.

The Crofters

Pam also loved music and played the flute. In 1978 Audlem Cricket Club was organising an end-of-season celebration which included music. Cricketers John Hardy (violin), Rob Dunn (bass) and Bob McClintock (guitar) knew Rose Consterdine played the accordion and I let them know that Pam played the flute. The five duly got together and this musical event was the birth of the Crofters. Soon afterwards the band was asked to play for a ceilidh. From then onwards they played near and far, many of the functions being here in Audlem. Unfortunately Pam had to retire in 2018 as her Parkinson's Disease meant that her fingers weren't able to react quickly enough to continue to play the flute.

Geoff Seddon
April 2021

Further information about Pam's funeral will be available soon. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions, only a limited number of people can attend. For those that can't, a webcast will provide live coverage of the service. Details will follow soon.

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