A village fete in Hankelow and three outdoor performances of the Merchant of Venice in Buerton this weekend will have everyone hoping that yesterday's wet weather has provided as much water as the area needs for a little while.
Amongst the many attractions planned are a Gymnastics display by the Cheshire Academy; Sports and Games for the youngsters; Snugbury's Ice Cream; Tombola; Local Vet's stall; Craft stall; Book stalls; Plant stall; Burger stall; home-made refreshments and many more stalls and attractions.
Tickets have been selling fast to enter in the Grand Prize Draw, organised by Hankelow Amenities Group supporting the two chosen good causes.
The top prize is a Hot Air Balloon ride for two people. Other great prizes include:-
Let's hope that the forecast improvement in the weather is correct because there's no finer way to watch a great play than with a picnic and a glass or two of wine in the magnificent garden at Buerton House. The Dean Taylor Productions have been described as "Every bit as good as The Royal Shakespeare Touring Company's productions" and previous visits to Buerton House have been extremely well received.
For further information and to make bookings, please call 01772 466256 or visit the website at www.shakespearetheatreoutdoors.co.uk There is a credit card service for advance bookings.
The Audlem area is very fortunate that the Dean Taylor Production is back in the area as all the other venues on the company's tour are in much larger centres. The company invites you to come early, bring a picnic and enjoy one of Shakespeare's most popular plays in a wonderful outdoor setting.
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