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Open Garden & Fair

28th May 2009 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Audlem Aid to Cancer Research is holding an Open Garden and Fair on Saturday June 6th. The venue is The Wiilows, School Lane, near to the Post Office. It's a beautiful setting for what promises to be an enjoyable event that's also raising money for one of the village's best supported charities.

The day will include a sale of plants, cakes, clothes. linen, jewellery, bric-a-brac, books, toys, jigsaws and games. Refreshments will be available and there will be a raffle to raise money for Cancer Research.

It all starts at 10.00am and runs until 3.00pm. Admission is 50p but children under 10 are free. If you have any queries, or would like to help or make a donation, please call 01270 811253.

Parking is available in the centre of the village and there is wheelchair access.

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