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The Old Priesthouse

21st September 2022 @ 6:06am – by Some Cyclists!
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editor's note:- the following has been sent in by 3 villagers who regularly refuel at the Old Priesthouse. Alge & Jane are set to retire at the end of September after some 28 years, and are in negotiations with a probable successor. I am sure all wish them well in retirement when they will concentrate on their holiday home, family and who knows what! (which they don't know yet!)

The Old Priesthouse

Jane and Andrew at the Old Priesthouse are going to retire.

WHAT? -I hear you say, retire, they simply aren't old enough and they haven't been here long enough!

Well it's partly true, Jane isn't old enough ......... say no more!

But, they have been cooking for us and most of the cyclists in the whole of Cheshire Staffordshire and Shropshire and sometimes beyond, for an unbelievable 28 Years and Edna (Alge's mother) before them.

They have been a long-standing part of village life. Their unobtrusive kindness has been appreciated by those who have benefited but obviously not widely known. Little morsels and treats, so much appreciated and done so discretely.

The business will carry on, but won't be quite the same. There are new owners, waiting in the wings,who hope to take over straight away.

I'm sure we all look forward to meeting them.

We wish Jane and Andrew a very happy and much deserved retirement.

Chris Rhodes, Joy Taylor, Jean Worrall

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