A reminder that Audlem St James' School and Audlem Tree House have invited the community of Audlem along to an Open Forum this evening, Tuesday 3rd November 2009 at 7.00pm in the Main School Hall at Audlem St James' School.
Come along to discuss the government's new nursery and childcare requirements and funding from September 2010 and how Audlem St James' and Audlem Tree House are working together to make this work for our community.
If you have young children and are looking at Childcare and Nursery education in the local area, or have had children at the Tree House and the School, then we ask you to come and find out how we are hoping to make this new requirement work for everyone in our rural setting.
Also if you are just an interested party or you might even be on the Parish Council or some involvement with Cheshire East, please come. All are welcome.
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