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Not your average pub car park

28th October 2012 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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The Short-ARS (Audlem Ramblers Society) party of eleven set out yesterday on a 6-mile hike from Wybunbury and enjoyed brilliant sunshine throughout the walk.

Having parked up at the Swan pub beforehand (with kind permission from the licensee), the group on its return found a somewhat older car than average on the pub car park, seen here.

The Delahaye 10B was launched in 1902, the very year this particular car was manufactured. It has a 2,199 cc vertical twin rated 12/14hp engine (as rated by the RAC), mounted in front, with a steering wheel rather than bicycle handles or tiller that the very early Delahaye models had employed since 1895.

It was a car perfectly suited to dry days, although the chill of yesterday must have made it a bracing drive to Wybunbury. Heating was an extra that came much later!

Delahaye survived until the mid-1950s but, sadly, the name disappeared in 1956. Fortunately, some wonderful models live on even from the company's very early years.


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