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Nomadic Domino Team Ramblings

11th March 2023 @ 6:06am – by John Wainwright
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A local domino team has battled adversity and triumphed against the all the odds in finishing at the top of the Nantwich League second division and regaining their position in the top tier they relinquished in pre-covid times.

The team were based at The Lord Combermere for a good number of years but with the establishment still closed at the start of the season a move back to their old ancestral home ( The White Lion) was arranged.
The team was formed way back in the 1980's at The Lion and three original members are still regulars today with Ron Ayers, Tony Wrench & Pete Hollinshead forming the backbone of the team.

The season started brightly in mid September with the team returning home from Nantwich after a comprehensive victory over The Talbot but the mood was soon dampened a couple of days later when the news broke that inspirational skipper Ron Ayers had suffered a stroke and was hospitalised for the immediate future.

The squad were determined to ensure that when Ron was fit to return to the fray the team would be in good shape and as high up the league as possible. Ron's friend and neighbour Derek Smith signed as a replacement whilst Jimmy Stretch and John Wainwright took over temporary stewardship of the team with Jimmy in charge of tactical affairs due to his many years experience at the helm of The Bridge Inn domino team and John looking after the administrative duties.

Ron's gradual return to health enabled him to start playing again in early November by which time the team had reached the summit of the division and at the halfway stage of the fixture calendar 7 victories and just 2 defeats were recorded. During the Christmas recess the team received another blow after being told The White Lion would not reopen on Monday nights for the foreseeable future so were once again without a 'home'.

On hearing of our plight, Dave the newly installed landlord at The Shroppie Fly offered to host our remaining home games and also became a valuable playing member of the team. With 3 consecutive defeats either side of the Christmas recess the team slipped down the rankings but once they got settled into their new surroundings the form returned winning six out of their last seven games with five victories recorded at The Shroppie and no defeats.

Valuable contributions by all the squad members enabled the team achieve their goal with a special mention to the pairing of Adrian Carless & Linda Wainwright who taking pole position in the order of play invariably got the team off to a flyer but had great support from Mike Boffey , Jean Clark and Rich Latham who all won key games throughout the season.

The presentation night is on 17 April at Nantwich Social Club.

Click on The Domino League file for more detail

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