A team of volunteers has been pulling together three items which will be delivered to Audlem households. The Autumn Newsletter; Parish Plan questionnaire and a Medical Practice leaflet will be distributed during the coming week.
The Newsletter, as always, is packed with information, news and details of village clubs and societies. It features the new businesses opening in the Square; there's a report on the permanent mooring issue; details of next weekend's Bonfire & Fireworks night and much, much more.
As well as seeking your views on a wide range of issues and current services, the questionnaire is looking for ideas to include in the Audlem Parish Plan. One question asks: "If there was one thing you would change in Audlem, what would it be?"
Another asks: "Are there any community events/clubs/activities you would like introduced, or re-introduced, in Audlem?"
Other questions include seeking your views on the services provided by Audlem Parish Council and by Cheshire East council. New projects in the village being considered are listed and residents' views will be key in deciding if they should go ahead.
While one questionnaire per household will be distributed, extra copies will be available so that a range of views within each home can be returned. There will be collecting points for the completed questionnaires at the Post Office and at Williams' newsagents.
Many thanks to the Post Office for all their help in distributing the material.
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