The current Audlem Online Vote Poll will finish tomorrow Wednesday and be relaced by one asking if you support the Parish Plan bid to de-prime the A525 as a step towards reducing the number of Heavy Goods Vehicles passing through Audlem – see 'Articles' for more information on this bid.
We have left the current Vote Poll asking "Do you agree with Cheshire Police being merged with Merseyside Police?" on longer than the normal month. This is a vital question and there has been a strong vote against the merger. While it appears the Government is now dropping its police merger plans, the Audlem Vote Poll results will still be sent to the Chief Constable of Cheshire so that they could be used in evidence if the plans were reintroduced. If you haven't voted yet, please do so. Few communities in Cheshire, indeed the country, can test opinion in this way, so it is a real opportunity to make your opinion count.
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