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New on-line bird atlas

30th January 2012 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Greville Watts of the Audlem Wildlife & Ecology Group has drawn Audlem Online's attention to the new on-line Atlas of Birds in Cheshire & Wirral.

Anyone interested in birds – and it was the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch over the weekend – will find the atlas informative.

During the three recent breeding seasons and three winters, more than 350 volunteers surveyed all of the county, trying to find every species of bird that was breeding or wintering in Cheshire.

The basis for survey was the 2 × 2 km square of the Ordnance Survey grid, called a tetrad. There are 670 tetrads in the county for the breeding season and 684 for winter, the latter including some offshore areas with no permanent land area, thus being unsuitable for breeding birds but occupied by seabirds and waterfowl at various states of the tide.

This was the county’s second breeding bird Atlas, but there has been no previous survey in winter at the tetrad scale.

Every species recorded can be traced on the maps so you can see clearly those spotted in the Audlem area. There's a detailed write-up for each species too describing changes over the years such as the dramatic spread of buzzards across Cheshire in the past two decades.

There's also interesting information on the county and its various habitats. 

Simply click on the website link below the photos to find the atlas which is easy to navigate around with most of the content under 'Species Information' and then its associated maps for each species.

You can also click on the link for AWEG, the Audlem Wildlife & Ecology Group. There's also a direct link to the Wildlife section on Audlem Online which can be found in the Heritage section.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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