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Name the river that now flows across Shropshire Street

2nd November 2006 @ 1:01pm – by Audlem Webteam
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The water leak in Shropshire Street that is now a permanent stream, was first reported to United Utilities on 21st September, over six weeks ago. A few holes have been dug but the water continues to flow and, with the first frost last night, could become a real safety hazard as well as a scandalous waste of water.

A local resident has investigated and tells Audlem Online that United Utilities are now suggesting it's a Cheshire County Council problem as they say it's a blocked drain. The water company waited, however, until 30th October, to tell Cheshire County Council. Two men were sent out at 11.30pm last night by the County Council to investigate but we seem to be entering a 'passing the buck' stage, with no-one accepting responsibility.

To draw attention to the problem, and attract interest, we are announcing today a new competition. Firstly, to name the new river. Suggestions received so far include the River Why? and the River Passthebuck. Send your entries to Audlem Online – the winner will receive a gnome with a fishing rod that can be placed next to the new river!

The second prize will be a fishing licence for the first person to see a fish in the new river.

A further complication could be that once the kerbstones are removed to create the new entrance to the Moseley's Yard development, the water will flow down onto that site. That could enable Muller's to change the name of the development to 'Little Venice' as the houses will have a canal on one side and a lagoon on the other!

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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