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The Music & Arts Festival 2018

30th April 2018 @ 6:06am – by Ralph Warburton
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May 24th to 28th

The countdown now begins as we place our advance banner in the square . We have raised the over £16,000 it takes to put on the biggest free such event in all of Cheshire and Shropshire .

All these funds have been raised from generous sponsors. From the three pubs here. From all the businesses large and small here is our fantastic village and beyond. Without this wonderful support we could not put on the show.

Pubs now gearing up in ensuring they have plenty of liquid stock. And their bbq's etc . All our shops will enjoy good trade over the 5 nights and days of the big event. Over 80 musicians from solo, duo and bigger bands have been contracted to play here.

  • Music in all the pubs, St James church and The New Annexe to the public hall .
  • Great Art Exhibition in the Methodist church hall.
  • Brass band of Cheshire police in the Methodist Car Park.
  • Classical singing in the Methodist Hall.
  • Exhibition in the Audlem Mill Shop .
  • Gathering of superb canal boats.
  • Music in Blues Alley by Beaman's Shop .

A fantastic long weekend. And all free to all comers .
We, the very small team who arrange all of this, hope all will enjoy the event to the full

Ralph Warburton
Festival Team member

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