Peter and Christine Silvester, who run the Canal Shop at Audlem Mill, have written to Audlem Online to say: "As you know, Müller Homes have been running a generator in the garden
adjacent to the show house at Moseley's Yard for many weeks now, in order to
provide interior lighting. The generator is not many yards away from Audlem Mill, and it is running most days from 7.30am till late afternoon, though
it does not start till rather later at weekends."
"The noise from the generator is appalling, and it is severely affecting our enjoyment of the Mill, both from a domestic point of view, but more
importantly from a business angle. We have noticed that far fewer boats
have been mooring at Audlem Wharf, particularly overnight, and several crews have told us that the "towpath telegraph" (information passed from one boat to another) now warns against mooring in Audlem because of the noise coming from the generator."
"This is having a detrimental effect on the number of boats and people visiting the pubs and Mill at the Wharf, and presumably also the various shops in the village, many of which rely so much on the canal and tourism trade. And the main boating season is about to start!"
"Peter Silvester from the Mill has advised Müller Homes that he will report
the generator to Environmental Health as noise nuisance if it is not stopped
permanently from Wednesday, 18th July. A phone message left by a Sherry Jones
(apologies if this is mis-spelt) of Müller Homes made no attempt to
apologise for being such bad neighbours, but advised that the reason they have to use the generator is that the current public electricity supply
system cannot cope with supplying Moseley's Yard, and apparently a major
upgrade to the Audlem sub-station is needed, but there seems to be no
indication of when this will occur. She said that the work will mean a
switch-off for the whole of Audlem at the time – which is guaranteed to make
Müller Homes popular with local residents!"
"Should they not have foreseen
the lack of supply, and organised things so that it was there when they
wanted to open the show house? Seems to be bad planning on Muller Homes'
part – yet again."
The next stage in this saga is eagerly awaited. Audlem Online's correspondent checked out the situation this morning and visitors moored at the Wharf were very unhappy about the noise. Perhaps Müller Homes would like to explain what is happening.
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