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More thoughts on the brown bins

3rd July 2007 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Following yesterday's story about the brown bins, we've already had some replies. Roland Hall writes to say: "With regard to the question of council tax and brown bins, cost comparison between Audlem and the Potteries, surely the answer is if you think their arrangements are better vote with your feet and move to Stoke! However, from a personal point of view, I will continue to enjoy the quality of life in the nation's most vibrant village – Audlem – and be thankful that we get value for money (and choice) from our Parish Council."

Jethro takes a slightly different tack. He says: "Why do we pay for the brown bins and Potteries people have theirs for free? Well isn't it obvious, the Potteries' councillors believe that their job is to work with society, whereas the Crewe and Nantwich councillors believe in fleecing all the house holders and giving a lower return as possible. Bring on central control form Chester and maybe some money will be saved and better services could result!"

We will be starting a Forum topic on this issue shortly but, in the meantime, do let us have your thoughts.

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