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More on trouble at Mill

18th July 2007 @ 2:02pm – by Audlem Webteam
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Following Monday's story on Audlem Online, Muller generating trouble at Mill, we have been contacted again by Peter and Christine Silvester, who say: "Müller Property's Development Director has now confirmed that they will replace the generator today (Wednesday) with a silent running type, and they will move it to the main part of the site, rather than have it in the current location very close to the canal and Audlem Mill. This should make life for us and other local residents much better, hopefully with little or no noise, but it may unfortunately take a while for word to get round on the canals that it is ok once more to moor in Audlem."

"Müller have also agreed to repair the large pothole in the Wharf road, which coincidentally appeared just at the time they started to deliver goods across the hedge into their land, and the damage done to the base of the hedge at this point. Whilst Müller do not admit that they have caused the damage (and we can understand why they would not voluntarily admit this), we and others have seen their vehicles cause this damage, so their proposal to reinstate seems fair."

The story suggesting that Audlem's electricity supply will have to be upgraded to cope with the new development has resulted in another resident contacting Audlem Online to raise some pertinent questions. Given that queries were raised, he says, at the two Public Meetings in 2005 about the plans for Moseley's Yard, can Audlem's sewers, as well as the electricity supply, cope now the development is nearing completion. Indeed, is it the role of the planners who approve building schemes to check whether the services like power and sewers are sufficient?

We hear that both United Utilities and Scottish Power are being contacted to ask what's happening. Hopefully everything will be fine, but given the problems the generator has caused recently, perhaps it is worth checking everything carefully.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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