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More on family histories

5th April 2008 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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We were able, thanks to Peter Morgan and Celia Bloor, to send lots of details to Joan Salmon in North Yorkshire about her family connections in the Audlem area. Joan replied and is very grateful for the wonderful information she received.

We have since had another query from Yorkshire. Judith Yeats of Harrogate, North Yorkshire, writes: "I have read your website with interest, and in particular your recent communications re Dooley and Shuker. I am researching my family and in particular my 3 x great grandparents, Joseph and Ann Robinson – in the 1841 Census at Grand Junction, Canal Locks Hack Green. In the 1851 Census Sarah Dooley (aged 41) and Samuel Shuker (aged 39) appear in the same household as Ann Robinson, (Head) and five of her children. The name of the location is not very clear, but looks like Town.

"I would be very grateful for any information at all about Hack Green Locks at that time – and why Sarah Dooley and Samuel Shuker would be living with my 3 x great grandmother and her children at that time. Many thanks, Judith Yeats."

If anyone has information, please send it to Audlem Online, and we will forward it to Judith.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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