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More on the Carnival costs

2nd May 2014 @ 6:06am – by Ralph Warburton
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On Wednesday, I told readers of the costs incurred running this year's Carnival and the payments and deposits we now have to pay to use the Audlem Playing Field. Today, here is something more to explain the situation based on the correspondence from Cheshire East, who wrote:

Thank you for your email. This year there is an admin. charge of £40. Before you present the cheque I will provide you the details of the 'account payable'.

You are asked to supply:

  • A deposit cheque for £500 (Possible Grounds re-instatement).
  • A completed booking form as attached.
  • A copy of the Carnival's Public Liability Cover to the minimum value of £5million
  • It is suggested that you secure a deposit from the Fair Ground operator.
  • A suitable Risk Assessment for the event.
  • Can you please confirm the amount of bins you require.

Please forward these to the address below. Thank you.

To which I replied:

1. We will send the cheque that we are now forced so to do. £500. Made out to?
2. We will now send a cheque for £40 admin fees (?)
3. We require 9 bins please to ensure health and safety.
4. We will send you our insurance cert for liability.
5. We will send you the risk assessment.
6. We will complete the permission form as required.

In between time, we will work our socks off – unpaid of course – to try to raise enough funds to pay for toilets, insurances, first aid cover, bands, hire of hall etc etc. now that we will be denuded by the £540 we have never faced before.

Will you ensure the grass is cut on your field on the 24th latest.

I feel like abandoning any idea of a repeat of the event in 2015. If only we were like Hankelow and owned the village field for the use of all free in Audlem. A real forward thinking tiny parish council.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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