Yesterday, Audlem Online reported on the ADAS 40th Anniversary celebration and AGM held on Thursday evening.
Today, as promised, we continue with chairman Ralph Warburton's report on other ADAS-led activities, firstly the Audlem Medical and Nursing Trust.
“The Trust continues to receive donations for the good of all from the community. I serve on that Trust committee, along with David Latchford, and we meet when the doctors feel the need to enhance their services to the community through such funds.”
David Latchford reported that over the years the Audlem Medical & Nursing Trust has donated £70,000.
Ralph then commented on The Audlem Trust Committee – himself , Mike Haines, Jim Winfield, Andrew Bradshaw and Alvar Jones – which has its remit the investment of funds which originated way back in the 70's.
He said: “The Trust Fund in the past year or so has suffered with the dramatic downturn in share prices. At present this fund stands at a bit less than £8000. Again I report that we have not needed to access this resource as our events and activities provide us with the money we need to carry out our work.”
“Judging of the village in the North West in Bloom competition took place in July and I escorted the judges round . Their report was favourable with a very high mark from them for the cleanliness.
ADAS do this planting for the enjoyment of our residents and for the many visitors that come here through the year. Any other awards gained are a nice bonus .
It is once more very rewarding to see that The Village has again won Best Kept Village – four years on the run. We take great pride in what we do to help in this award.
The ADAS Hospital car service provides transport to medical appointments for residents of Audlem and surrounding areas. Public transport is often unavailable when required and the service is much appreciated by young and old alike.
This service is non-profit making but users are asked to make a contribution towards petrol etc. We have to thank our pool of dedicated volunteer drivers who help with transport.”
Finally, Ralph paid tribute to three members of the ADAS committee standing down. Shirley Firth, on the committee since 1987; Michelle Perkin (1997) and Cat White who has resigned due to pressure of her work and her business.
He added that ADAS is now actively seeking new and committed members for the committee.
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