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Mill Lane action group calls for hearing

3rd October 2013 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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An action group fighting plans for houses at Mill Lane want to take their case direct to councillors.

Members of the 29-strong residents' group formed to fight the proposals have asked to address next week's planning meeting of Cheshire East Council.

Councillors meet on October 9th to discuss outline plans by Hockenhull Properties to build up to 36 homes on fields off the Mill Lane bridleway in Audlem.

In a letter to the council residents' spokesman Steve Amies said: " I understand that as a residents association, we are entitled to make a three minute presentation at the relevant planning meeting. Please confirm this is the case along with the date and time of the planning meeting."

Residents met this week to draw up plans for their presentation to the Strategic Planning Board which meets to discuss the application.

They have asked for as many residents as possible to be allowed to speak to the board when it considers the scheme.

The residents' group has also posted documents to the planning department outlining their objections to the proposals and asked for them to be taken into "full consideration" in the planning process.

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