ABC Childcare Services are pleased to announce that we are running more 'messy mitten' sessions starting on Monday 3rd March 2014. The sessions involve a story and themed activities revolving around messy play.
Led by a team of friendly early year's professionals, parents are invited to attend with their pre-school children from 9.30 till 11.30am every Monday. Cost is only £4 and refreshments are included in the price. ABC Childcare Services is situated on the grounds of Audlem St James' C.E Primary School.
We also offer pre-school Nursery sessions for children from the age of 18 months. A 3 hour session costs £13.50. A lovely way for parents/carers and children to spend some time apart in the knowledge that their child is safe and being looked after by qualified practitioners.
Lots of educational and fun activities on offer.
Call Lynsey on 01270 669050 for more details.
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