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Message from Audlem First Responders

27th April 2017 @ 6:06am – by Debbie Ruscoe-Icke
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Could you please publish our thanks to the Coop and their members for the kind donation of £1,341.57 to The Audlem Community First Responders.

Their generous gift will allow us to maintain the medical emergency cover the group provide to the local community living and working in Audlem and the surrounding villages, in the future.

The money is most definitely appreciated and will be put to extremely good use, which will be the upkeep of the responder vehicle.

The purpose of the group is to provide medical attention whilst waiting for an ambulance to arrive, following a 999 emergency call.
The unpaid volunteers in the group try to offer as much cover as possible, whilst holding down full time/part-time positions.

Without the group volunteers and the vehicle being fully operational, this valuable service would not be available.

Yours sincerely
Audlem Community First Responders

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