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Match Report

4th May 2021 @ 6:06am – by Ralph Warburton
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Match Report Sunday 2nd day of May .

photo 2021 05 03 08 03 10

I wake early after a very good sleep. To the sound of the predawn chorus of the many birds who inhabit my garden, broken by the harsh cry of my resident pheasant. Apart from his call, the rest produce such a cathedral of song. Truly wonderful. My lawns with a light dusting of frost, but the magnolias not burned by the cold , which is a good thing to espy.

Birds feed their seed and bread, and I to my study to complete the 58th online Lord Combermere Quiz game. Hampered by a file being sent to me with answers that I cannot open. Radio 4 telling me that is the birthday of the commissioning of the first passenger jet, the DH Comet. I flew on this craft in the '60s and it was indeed so quiet even with its wing mounted jet engines. But such a small cabin.


The match .

We play at home and versus White Horse of Nantwich.

Pitch bone dry. Markings not too good .

Referee is Mick Costello. A veteran official. I welcome him to our pitch again.

Big turn out of players yet again. Keen to be part of a very good club with big heart and great atmosphere .

Hard for Manager Kev Mort to select. But a good problem to have, recalling times in the early days of the club after I have formed it in 2012 , when at times we were reduced to a turnout of just 9!

Kick off at 1100.

Connor Baxter our goalkeeper out, having dislocated his finger in last weeks game. Simon Carvell deputed to be substitute keeper.

We play in our Marstons red strip -- with visitors in Blue .

We lose the toss, so play from the cemetery end with the sun in the eyes of Simon .
Normal frantic start as each seeks to boss the play .


First corner and we win it. Scrappy play in truth . I am joined by David Farral, senior member of the League. Very welcome visitor.

Ken Mather fires in a speculative shot but saved on the line. First real positive action .


And the bells of St James ring out with just three bell ringers doing their best under Covid rules.
Corner to WH , but no gain .


An attempt by Ken Mather comes to naught .
Good ball passed by Ben Walker to KM , but his shot saved.


Another corner for us , taken by Kev Rodgers , met by Ben Walker , who shoots and hits the goalie's legs. Closest so far .
Another free kick to us but no gain.
Tight game with each side more or less equal .


WH shoot, hit goalie Simon and in it goes off his leg


1137. Corner to us taken by Kev Rodgers . Fine delivery but goalie saves on the line .


And referee Mick awards a penalty after a foul by Sam Mason

0-2 !

Ref blows up for half time . Not going well .

Off we go in second half . Hope that the tongue lashing delivered by Mgr Kev Mort has done some good .
Now sun not in Simon's eyes now.
Ross Henderson -- ever running Ross -- wins another corner for us. No gain.

So looks like we will not score today . I despair .

Subs played as Ben Walker and Sam Mason come off. Rob Martin on. James Craig on


Ref awards us a penalty. Ken Mather steps up. Shoots and goalkeeper saves!!


Not a good day so far.

Breeze has gone and sun is warm as we sit on the sidelines . More subbing as Alex Dale comes on . Plus Stefan Kotowski .


A corner to us . Beautiful ball from Kev Rodgers , met by Ross Henderson who fires in the ball from close in. Gives a big lift to our spirits



Corner for us as we pile on the pressure . Taken once more by the excellent Kev Rodgers, his kick met at the run by Will Cork who gives their goalie no chance as he sends it crashing into the net

Breeze getting up again and getting cooler. Cloud cover increasing .


Feed by Kev Rodgers, to Tom Capewell -- who slams it home as goalie desperately tries to stop the ball.


Goalie hurt as head was kicked a tad . Off he goes but later ok . .

We are for sure on top as referee blows up for full time.

Happy team trots of to the Bridge Inn for the first team beers this year. Lovely set up now at The Bridge, our sponsors .

Costs me a promised first round -- £61!

Playing so well and I must say with much better language too.

Next game. Not yet advised as to who we play .

Man of the match. Is Ross Henderson . Superb player and team member

Ralph Warburton

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