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Luke Wright has a ball in Audlem

1st May 2013 @ 7:07am – by Webteam
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Performance poet Luke Wright was in Audlem on Saturday at t.a.v.a.'s latest show. This is what he had to say on his blog:

"Hurrah for Audlem. It's a lovely village with a proper centre. The church is on a slight hill overlooking sweet little independent shops and a pub that serves way past my bedtime. The people are very nice too. Seventy of them saw fit to come to my gig, which meant we sold out. Yes, selling out the Audlem Guide and Scout Hall – I'm big time now.

"The gig was one of my favourites in a long time. Mainly, I hasten to add, because I was pleased with my performance. I don't think I fudged a single word in the first half, which is very rare indeed. In the second half I was having so much fun I don't even remember it, but I felt on good form.

"So that's two brilliant gigs courtesy of the Chesire Rural Touring Arts Scheme. I want to do more of these. Have you got a village hall? If so, let's do it."

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