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The lovely village of Audlem

8th May 2012 @ 4:04pm – by Lydia T Cuyob
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It was just like yesterday when I had my first sight of the lovely village of Audlem and feeling nervous as I didn't know what to expect and if the people will accept me for who I am.

Coming into the UK was one of my greatest challenges as I need a lot of courage to be away from my family, my home and, most of all, the courage to be on my own.

I thought coming into a foreign land will be very difficult for me but the people of Audlem have changed my notions. The people were so lovely, welcoming, friendly and, most of all, very generous to share a smile and greetings.

I have really nothing to say about the village since but an admiration and proudly sharing how amazing and how I am really proud to become a part of the community.

Living in Audlem for almost three years was really something to be proud off, especially of its beauty and cleanliness as evidenced by its awards, peacefulness and, most of all, friendliness of the people.

I don't know if there will be another chance given to take a glance of the lovely sceneries of Audlem, walk along the canal and share a smile with every stranger I met, experience four seasons in one day and most of all singing with the community under the Big tree during Christmas while drinking the lovely soup shared by the generous staff of Lord Combermere.

In few weeks from now, I'll be going back to my home in the Philippines, bringing with me the beautiful memories and the loveliness of the people of Audlem to share at home.

I'm surely to be missing a lot of things when I get back home, especially hanging out in the pubs with friends, walking down the canal while enjoying taking pictures of the lovely sceneries, watching the amazing Audlem Festival and, most of all, the sweet smiles and greetings from every stranger I met in the village.

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