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Long-ARS to Tegg's Nose

6th October 2014 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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The long-ARS walk on Saturday Octonber 11th will be around Tegg's Nose and Shutlingsloe, near Macclesfield.

Anton will lead the walk and this is his description

The route starts with the climb up Tegg's Nose to the viewing point looking across Macclesfield and beyond on a clear day. We then skirt round the hill and pass toilets in the 'top car park' before dropping down to work over to Macclesfield Forest and Forest Chapel.

Heading south, we take forest tracks before climbing up open access land to the high point of the walk – Shutlingsloe, at 506m/1660ft is the second highest in Cheshire. On a clear day the views are fantastic!

Our route then drops down to Wildboarclough valley before working across fields to Oaken Clough and over to the Hanging Gate. We then drop down to join the Gritstone Trail to finish.
On my recce, there were many sheep, cattle and some horses in the lower fields and sheep on the moor. Also a good number of stiles!

11miles with 2500ft climb approx.

It takes 75 minutes or a bit more to get to Teggs Nose Reservoir car park, so we meet at Audlerm car park at 8.00am.

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