Now that the Government's leading scientists have poo-pooed the idea of using biofuels such as oil seed rape to power transport because growing them is harmful to the environment, an Audlem farmer is set to cream off the market with his revolutionary invention to use cow muck as vehicle fuel.
Methane produced by cows is already used to power buildings and research has been ongoing for many years to develop other uses for the waste. Now local farmer Rio Fallop has managed to harness the methane from his cows' excreta to power his car. Rio said "my wife, April, first suggested the idea to me and it's taken me years of trial and error to use the stuff to act as fuel, but now I've got the sweet smell of success just around the corner. I'm not going to divulge the process, which is patented, but let's just say that there's plenty of it to keep me going. The most difficult problem is to get the consistency right."
Audlem Online has been given a demonstration of the new fuel at a secret location and can testify that Rio's specially adapted Mitsubishi runs as smoothly as any normally-fuelled car. The only noticeable difference is that petrol or diesel fumes are replaced by a distinct farmyard aroma. As Rio quips "you can tell when my car's around, unless it's muck-spreading time and then I can pass through a village unnoticed!"
So in the future we may be going to the local farm to fill up instead of the nearest petrol station.
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