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Live music on Saturday

20th July 2007 @ 10:10am – by Audlem Webteam
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One of the highlights of the funky weekend is the Live Music Night on Saturday 21st in the Public Hall. This year the format is a bit different as it starts early with the doors opening at 6.30pm and all being finished by 10.30pm. But there's no need to worry about eating before you get there as there will be a bowl of chilli (hot, mild, very mild and veggie) and a roll for just £1 available during the evening. Tickets for the night are a giveaway £2 for under 18s and £3 for over 18s.

As usual all the music will be supplied by young musicians and this year's line up is: Charlotte Mooney and Dan Logan, Fake Heroes, The Strangers, and Crash Course. There is a bar featuring 'Draw well' real ale for over 18s and a soft drink bar for under 18s. This is a great night for everyone of all ages in Audlem to see what our local youngsters can do so don't miss it!

Tickets available from"> or 811330 in advance or on the door.

This is one event the weather can't touch!

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