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Leaving Audlem in style

29th May 2009 @ 4:04pm – by Audlem Webteam
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Regulars at the Lord Combermere – and readers of Audlem Online – will know that Steve and Helen Nash have left the pub this week to take over their new business, the Horse & Jockey at Grindley Brook, just north of Whitchurch on the A41. Their leaving of Audlem was not, however, without incident.

On Tuesday, with the Festival team clearing up on the Combermere's car park after the weekend's fun, it transpired that Steve had somehow failed to book a removal van. Step forward the Festival team.

A motley collection of vans, trailers, horseboxes and campervans, with willing helpers, swung into action. Star turn of the day was Rueben Palin with what has been described as "the smallest trailer in Europe". On seeing the size of Reuben's removal equipment, someone was heard to say, generously: "Anyone need a pack of tictacs moving?"

At Grindley Brook – and what Steve and Helen's new neighbours must have thought is anybody's guess as the procession of Audlem's 'removal' vehicles turned up loaded with furniture, beds etc – Reuben was made to suffer. The pint-sized trailer was hidden by his fun-loving friends in the horsebox. All in the party then left no stone unturned, literally, as they pretended to help Reuben look for it.

We are sure Steve and Helen will be eternally grateful to Reuben, Pete Marshall, Ian Haughey, Dave Bebbington, Chris Whalley and John Gunstone – Audlem's latest rivals to Pickfords. We are equally sure they will remember their removal day for a long time to come. Just as their many customers and friends will remember what great licensees Steve and Helen have been at the Combermere.

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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