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Ken Maple asks 'Do you know where your children are in the evenings?

7th May 2006 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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PC Ken Maple writes: "The Parish Council has worked hard to provide a teen shelter on the playing field area after youngsters complained that they had nowhere to go as an alternative to the Buttermarket, where they were causing annoyance to local residents. The shelter has been welcomed by the young people, although they've complained about the wind whistling through it on cold days.

Unfortunately (and to no-one's surprise), the shelter has become a focus for drinking sessions at the weekends. My colleagues and I have made efforts to police the playing field area at the appropriate times, and in recent weeks we have either confiscated or disposed of a considerable amount of alcohol from young people. It is particularly disappointing to also see the mess created by cans and bottles when one considers that the recycle bins are only a few yards from the shelter.

The question then arises – 'Do you know where your children are during the evenings when this activity takes place?' I would ask you to consider the question and to do what you can to assist our efforts to educate the kids about the issues surrounding anti-social drinking.

If you have any questions for me then you can make contact by the following means – e-mail:"> or

Voicemail: 0845 458 6378"

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