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John Stothert's funeral tomorrow

31st May 2015 @ 6:06am – by Webteam
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John Stothert's funeral is tomorrow, Monday 1st June at 10.30am at the Crewe Crematorium and then back to Audlem Public Hall.

AudlemOnline wrote about him last week and a number of tributes came in via the Chatbox about a remarkable man, a real character, and which may interest a wider readership:

Judy Evans wrote: "A true gentleman, and just the most wonderful person. A man with lots of amazing true life stories and invaluable advice. A worldly wise traveller, who seemed to have done so much in life, but without any sort of ego.

"Effortlessly good company in the presence of the old, or the young. A life of adventure and fun for the most part, but able to deal stoically with any adversity. My friend and ex-employer, I like many others, will miss you greatly."

Dave M said: "Another great character gone. As a fellow boater (he of yachts and narrowboats, me just the latter) he was a fund of useful and amusing info and anecdotes, but a couple of memories that typify the man.

"Drop in on Sunday morning for a chat after collecting papers, classical music playing but few customers: "Here's the key, nip upstairs and make us both a coffee".

"Evening departure from Coxbank International: "Let me show you how safe these microlights are". Me in the perch on the back, John proceeds to repeatedly stall the plane so it swoops out of the dive. Glad I hadn't had tea before the flight!

"RIP John, you'll be missed by many."

Mach One said: "As flight controller of Cox Bank International Airport (retired), I enjoyed one of his inaugural flights, when his intended co-pilot, who was a pilot with Dan Air, on seeing the micro light, lost his nerve and forfeited his perch to me.

"We did a triangular trip, Woore – Wybunbury – Coxbank, Runway One!
"I remember visiting Hope Hospital, Salford on his return from France with his first broken neck (skiing). Second time in North Staffs when his reserve fuel line failed, crashing nearby.

"I remember skating with him on the Shroppie near his shop on decidedly thin ice by his shop.
Some man, some neck!"

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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